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Allstate Transmission And Auto Repair in Phoenix Warranty Information.
A 12 month, 12,000 mile local warranty on parts and labor is included with every repair we make.*
At Allstate Transmissions in Phoenix, our transmission repair, rebuilt transmissionsand clutch repair are all included in our warranty.* We take great pride in our quality transmission services, repairs and maintenance, and we do our best to make sure that all our work is done right the first time.
Every shop should include a warranty for their work, and most do, but what if you have to bring your vehicle back many times to have the repairs corrected.
At Allstate Transmission And Auto Repair of Phoenix, AZ, we take great pride in everything we do. After every repair or service that we perform, every car goes through a quality assurance check with a form that lists all repair points the technician must inspect and check off. This quality assurance check list is completed by the technician after the test drive and during a visual inspection to ensure the repairs were performed correctly and no other repair is needed. It makes certain that there are no loose or missing fasteners, leaks or even hand prints on your car. The technician must then sign and date the quality assurance sheet, and finally it is reviewed, signed and dated by their Production Manager. All in an effort to keep you from having to come back to correct a repair we have made.
As it is with the rest of the information on our website, we want to make sure customers are as informed as possible so that they can make informed decisions when it comes to transmission repair.
A warranty is only as good as the shop that offers it; if the shop is out of business, their warranty is useless. We’ve been in business here in Phoenix since 1987, and we’ll be here to stand behind our warranty if you ever need it.
Online reviews can attest to a shop’s warranty. If a shop is always trying to find ways of wiggling out of their warranties, the best warranty in the world won’t help you. If you’re offered a warranty that is way out of line with most other shops in Phoenix, you may want to do a little research before agreeing to it. Check the shop’s reviews and BBB ratings to verify that they actually do honor them.
* Unless otherwise specified on your invoice. Some examples of items that aren’t covered under our warranty could include; Parts Supplied by the vehicle owner, Used parts requested that we install by the vehicle owner, Declined repairs that we recommended as part of a repair we are performing, Etc. For a copy of our warranty information, please contact us at (602) 253-2553